
Add Event

Thanks for your interest in being part of Ice Bowl® 2024. The official Ice Bowl corridor, when Ice Bowl events may be held, aligns roughly with the astronomical winter season from Saturday, December 23, 2023-Sunday, March 24, 2024.

We continue to encourage Ice Bowls to choose charities that work towards eliminating or mitigating food insecurity, which was Ice Bowl's original charitable mission. However, we will continue to approve other charitable outreaches that benefit the community or region where the Ice Bowl is being held. By doing this, we can better support another of Ice Bowl's original missions...seeking positive publicity for disc golf in the hope of stimulating grassroots growth, as well as potentially creating new partnerships for other disc golf projects.

After transmitting this registration, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance as an official Ice Bowl® event and login information for for new registrants. Please contact or call/text 816.914.0094 or 913-333-0166.

The Legal Stuff

1. I acknowledge and agree that Ice Bowl® is a trademark belonging to Ice Bowl Foundation, Inc. (IBF). Upon final acceptance of this registration, IBF grants you the nonexclusive right and license to use the mark ICE BOWL® on and in connection with the promotion of your registered Ice Bowl® event. You agree that you will not alter or modify the ICE BOWL® trademark, or use the  ICE BOWL®  trademark in combination with other trademarks, without providing IBF with notice of such proposed use, and then allowing IBF to inspect the same to assure that the quality of the services and trademark use remains high.

This trademark license may not be assigned without the prior written consent of IBF. This trademark license does not grant rights to use the mark ICE BOWL® on discs and clothing  without our written permission and/or a licensing agreement.

(Simply stated: You may use this year's logo to publicize your event; i.e., on flyers, news releases, on the Web, etc. However, if you want to alter the Ice Bowl® logo or to create your own logo using the words “Ice Bowl®”  for use on discs and clothing items, you need to get permission from the Ice Bowl Foundation. In most cases, a licensing fee will be charged.)

2. I agree that I will report the following results to Ice Bowl Foundation (Ice Bowl HQ) in a timely manner (ideally not more than a month after the event):  (1) the amount of money raised. (2) Documentation of that donation, such as a receipt or letter from the charity, (3) the number of players and helpers, (4) the average temperature during play, and  (5) how much snow was on the ground during play.

By transmitting this registration, you acknowledge that you both understand and will comply with both of the numbered items above.

* Indicates mandatory fields

Enter Event Details
Select event category from here. Select at least one category
With the exception of the original Ice Bowl in Columbia, MO. all other Ice Bowls must include a descriptive name such as MyTown Ice Bowl, etc.
Use the calendar icon to choose the date of your Ice Bowl. The official Ice Bowl corridor is 12/23/2023 to 3/24/2024.
For two-day events enter the event's second date; for one-day events, enter the same date.
name, phone, email, and website will be included in the online Ice Bowl calendar listing.
We send out periodic updates via email. If you do not check your emails regularly, please provide a method so we can alert you that a new update has been sent.
Please enter the Organizer's Email
Please enter the Organizer's Phone Number
Please enter the Event Website
Enter website URL. eg. :;
For example: Name of a club, name of a P&R department, name of the tournament director or his business, etc.
Producer descritpion
If listing than more than one charity, separate each one with commas.
Website of Charity
How would you best describe the primary mission of this charity
Charitable goals in dollars
Leave blank if not collecting food. If collecting food and dry goods is part of your outreach, what is your goal in pounds? Please note that food banks can feed more people with monetary donations. If doing a food drive, best donations include: canned tuna, salmon, chicken and other seafood or meats; canned and dried meats; canned soups, stews, and chili; peanut butter; nuts in cans.
Please add comments/questions below.
Organizer Information
Note: You will be able to see a preview in the next page